Casio ClassPad 300 Calculator User Manual

7-8 Test, Confidence Interval, and Distribution
Test, confidence interval, and distribution calculations are all performed using the ClassPad’s
Program application. The following is a general overview of the steps that are involved.
1. Use statistical commands to build the necessary expressions and write them into the
2. Write the “DispStat” command into the program.
The “DispStat” is a command for displaying statistical calculation results. Statistical
calculation results cannot be displayed unless the program includes a “DispStat”
3. Save the program.
4. Run the program.
k Example 1: 1-Sample ZTest
µ condition :
µ0 : 0
σ : 3
o : 24.5
n : 48
u ClassPad Operation
(1) m p
(2) Tap O.
(3) On the New File dialog box that appears, configure the settings as described below.
Type: Program(Normal)
Folder: Select the name of the folder where you want to save the program you are
Name: Enter a file name for the program.
Example: ztestone
(4) Tap [OK].
(5) Input commands and values for the statistical expression, and then tap w.
(6) Input the “DispStat” command, and then tap w.
Test, Confidence Interval, and Distribution Calculations