IPMI Controller: IPMI Message Protocol
752i User’s Manual 10006024-04
Table 11-9: Get Sensor Reading Parameters
Type: Byte: Data Field:
1 Sensor Number (hex)
41=PMC 3.3V Voltage Monitor
42=CPU_CORE Voltage Monitor
43=1.8V Voltage Monitor
44=2.5V Voltage Monitor
45=3.3V Voltage Monitor
46=5.0V Voltage Monitor
50=750GL Watchdog
60=Outflow Temperature Sensor
61=Inflow Temperature Sensor
70=750GL System Firmware Error
1Completion Code
2Sensor Reading
Bits[0:7], byte of reading. Ignore on read if sensor does not return
a numeric (analog) reading.
3 Bit[7], 0=All event messages disabled from this sensor
Bit[6], 0=Sensor scanning disabled
Bit[5], 1=Initial update in progress. When set, this bit indicates
that a rearm or Set Event Receiver command has requested an
update (which has not yet occurred) of the sensor status.
Software should use this bit to avoid getting an incorrect status
while the first sensor update is in progress. This bit is only
necessary if the controller can receive and process a Get Sensor
Reading or Get Sensor Event Status command for the sensor
before the update has completed. For example, a fan RPM sensor
may require seconds to accumulate the first reading after a re-
Bits[4:0], Reserved. Ignore on read.