4.2.2 Bidirectional Print Alignment Adjustment
This section describes the procedure for adjusting the bidirectional print alignment, required after mechanism
repair. This procedure is also necessary if you replace the main board assembly or EEPROM, because the
adjusted value is written to the EEPROM on the C166 MAIN board. You can perform the adjustment from
the Settings Diskette, using the control panel, or with a remote utility. This section describes the adjustment
procedure with the Settings Diskette first, and then describes the adjustment procedure using the control
When the main board is replaced, reset the Factory Settings first, then perform the
bidirectional adjustment.
Do not perform the Bi-d adjustment if the input voltage is fluctuating heavily. Bi-d Print Alignment Adjustment using the Settings Diskette
1. Insert the Settings Diskette into Drive A of the PC and the power on.
2. Type GWBASIC and press ENTER.
3. Load and run the J10A00E program. First, the program displays Machine Select Menu.
Note: DEFSTD is the default U.S. setting.
4. Highlight 9 pins by moving the cursor with ↑ or ↓ key and select it by pressing ENTER.
5. After you select 9 pins, you see the following menu.
6. In this menu, highlight the factory settings for the printer’s destination by moving the cursor
with the ↑ or ↓ key and select the destination factory settings by pressing ENTER.
7. After you select the each factory settings, the program displays the Main Menu, shown below.
8. Highlight Bi-d Adjust by moving the cursor with the ↑ or ↓ key and select it by pressing
9. After you select Bi-d Adjust, the program displays the Bi-D Adjustment Menu, shown on the
next page.
Program : J10A00E Setting : DEFSTD
9 pins VR 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0
[ Printer select ]
> (1) 9 pins
(2) 24 pins
Figure 4-5 Machine Select Menu
Program : J10A00E Setting : DEFSTD
9 pins VR 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0
[ Setting File ]
> (1) DEFSTD
(3) NLSP
Figure 4-6 Setting File Menu
Program : J10A00E Setting : DEFSTD
9 pins VR 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0
[ Main MENU ]
> (1) Bi-d Adjust (6) TPE LEVEL RESET
(2) Check Pro. (FF)
(3) Check Pro. (A3)
(4) Check Pro. (A4)
(5) Check Pro. (Envelope)
Figure 4-7 Main Menu
Adjustment FX-2170 Service Manual
4-4 Rev.A