46 IBM ISDN PC Card:User’s Guide
Wizard will complete the installation for this device. Make sure that the
option Search for a suitable driver for my device is activated, then click Next.
5. The next window helps you to locate the device drivers for the new adapter.
By default Windows 2000 searches the hard disk drive and CD-ROM drives.
This might result in Windows 2000 finding the wrong device driver file on the
CD. To avoid this situation, deactivate the options Floppy disk drives and
CD-ROM drives, and activate the option Specify a location. Click the Next
6. Windows 2000 displays a smaller window for the the device driver source.
Click the Browse button, then double-click the WIN2000 and afterwards the
DRVfolder on the CD. Select the file fpcm and click Open.
ISDNmst.fm Page 46 Wednesday, January 15, 2003 9:22 AM