Integrator’s Reference Manual
6-20 80-99208-1 Rev. D
Results Returned
Dial (D)
D<dial string>
Originates a call if the dial string is valid.
This command can be aborted by DCE reception of any character on
the Rm interface. This command is aborted only if the DCE receives the
character prior to establishing the connection and sending the CONNECT
result code. The dial command can also be aborted by setting the DTR
line from active to inactive when &D2 is set.
Valid Dial Strings
The dial string must be made up of valid dial string
characters and dial modifiers. Valid dial string characters
Valid dial string modifiers are
Valid dial string modifiers may be included in the dial string,
although they will be ignored. Any other characters within
the dial string that are not recognized as dial string
characters or dial string modifiers by the DCE will be ignored.
This allows characters such as hyphens and parentheses to be
used in the dial string for phone number formatting purposes.
The modem supports packet data, asynchronous data,
Markov, and Loopback calls. If the dial string contains one of
the dial numbers listed below in Dial String Values, a packet
Result Code Condition
OK Previous command line is empty.
Result from
re-execution of
the previous
command line.
Previous command line is not empty.