Integrator’s Reference Manual
6-66 80-99208-1 Rev. D
Position Location Service ($QCPLS)
$QCPLS[=<position type>|=[<position type>],[<time
Returns the current position of the modem and the time (in
UTC) that the position information was acquired. $QCPLS=?
queries for the acceptable ranges of
<position type> and
<time format>.
If additional characters are received on the same port while this
command is processing, the command will be aborted.
As shown in the syntax above, either <position type> or <time
format> can be optionally specified. If only one value is specified then
the other is left unchanged. If both values are left unspecified then both
are reset to their power-on default values. Optional parameters must be
separated by commas. The commas act as place holders (in the
command parser) for the missing optional parameter.
<position type>
<time format>
Default Value(s)
<position type>
<time format>
0 Request the current position.
1 Get the last position successfully obtained.
0 TOD format ‘0’
(See Time of Day ($QCTOD) on page 6-64.)
1 TOD format ‘1’
(See Time of Day ($QCTOD) on page 6-64.)