
12. Configurator, Warping
Image 12-13
12.4.3 Download Warp le
What can be done ?
Warp les stored on a projector can be downloaded to the computer running Projector Toolset. This le
can then be edited or used to be uploaded in an identical projector.
How to download
1. While Warp with UI is selected, click on Download Warp les from projector (1). (image 12-14)
The Download warp le window opens.
2. Select a le to download (3).
3. Click on Download to start the download procedure (4).
The Save window opens.
4. Browse to the desired location.
Note: Do not enter a le name !
5. Click Save.
The le is downloaded and saved on the selected location. The le name will be Original_ followed with
the le name on the projector.
E.g. was the le name Warp1.txt, the downloaded le name will be Original_Warp1.txt .
R5976924 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 16/04/2009