Hard edge 196–198
Add 196
Move line 197
Remove 198
Keystone 176
Load configuration 200
Nodes 194–195, 198
Adjust via drag and drop 195
Adjust via floater menu 195
Adjust via keyboard 195
Change selection 194
Toggle hard edge preview 198
Pincushion 178
Preferences 206–208
Active node intersection 207
Background 206
Hard edges 208
Interpolation node intersection 208
Recover warping board 206
Rotation 178
Save configuration 199
Selection 175
Upload file 181
With commands 176
Status 176
Window selection 112
Window texture 147–148, 151
Color fill 148
Picture 151
Start up 147
Workspace explorer 21
Workspace selection 42
Preferences 42
R5976924 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 16/04/2009