environmental specifications 350–351
EPS file, saving document as
(Mac OS) 182
errors, reporting (Mac OS) 185–186
Ethernet address
factory-assigned 109
printing (Windows) 102
Ethernet AUI adapter 20
part number for 356
Ethernet cable 6, 20
Ethernet frame type used by NetWare
78, 86
Ethernet hub 21
Ethernet network, connecting to 20–22
Ethernet physical configurations,
changing 94
Ethernet port 16, 20, 355
Ethernet thin coaxial transceiver 20
part number for 356
Ethernet transceiver 6, 20, 346
Ethernet twisted-pair transceiver 20, 356
EtherTalk 20
EtherTalk interface, setting or turning off
Mac OS 56
Windows 100
EtherTalk network, setting printer zone in
36, 52
Express Installation feature
(Windows) 199
face-up output tray
benefits of 49
on the back of the printer 147–148
on the optional duplex printing unit
part number for 356
removing 150
faded areas on printed page 300
Features tab dialog box (Windows 3.1)
Finder (Mac OS), printing documents
from 187
Mac OS 49, 178–179
Windows 102
Windows 3.1 215
Windows 95 240, 242
500-sheet cassette and feeder
designating as the preferred source
(Mac OS) 160
installing 142–144
installing envelope cassette into 146
loading 274–275
paper jams in 294
part number for 356
removing 145
Flip Horizontal option (Mac OS Page
Setup dialog box) 175
Flip Vertical option (Mac OS Page Setup
dialog box) 175
Floppy Disk Maker application
(Mac OS) 33
floppy disks
creating from CD-ROM disc 71
installation disks, creating (Mac OS)
installing Mac OS printer software
from 168–169
installing Windows 3.1 printer
software from 74–77
installing Windows 95 printer
software from 72–74
write-protecting 72
Apple LaserWriter Software folder
32, 167
Fonts folder in Mac OS System
Folder 337
fonts 1, 329–343. See also Fonts tab
dialog box
Apple classic (Mac OS) 342
bitmapped (Mac OS) 329, 330,
334–336, 341