
X.25 National Personality Configuration
Follow CCITT: on OSI 1984: on OSI 1988: off
Request Reverse Charges: off Accept Reverse Charges: off
Frame Extended seq mode: off Packet Extended seq mode: off
Incoming Calls Barred: off Outgoing Calls Barred: off
Throughput Negotiation: off Flow Control Negotiation: off
Suppress Calling Addresses: off
DDN Address Translation: off
Call Request Timer: 20 decaseconds
Clear Request Timer: 18 decaseconds (1 retries)
Reset Request Timer: 18 decaseconds (1 retries)
Restart Request Timer: 18 decaseconds (1 retries)
Min Recall Timer: 10 seconds
Min Connect Timer: 90 seconds
Collision Timer: 10 seconds
T1 Timer: 4.00 seconds N2 timeouts: 20
T2 Timer: 0.00 seconds DP Timer: 500 milliseconds
Standard Version: 2 Network Type: CCITT
Disconnect Procedure: passive
Window Size Frame: 7 Packet: 2
Packet Size Default: 128 Maximum: 256
X.25 protocol configuration
Prot Window Packet-size Idle Max Station
Number Size Default Maximum Time VCs Type
30 -> APPN 7 128 1024 0 4 PEER
X.25 PVC configuration
Prtcl X.25_address Active Enc Window Pkt_len Pkt_chan
30 (APPN) 6666 NONE 2 128 1
X.25 address translation configuration
IF # Prot # Active Enc Protocol -> X.25 address
2 30 (APPN) NONE appn -> 6666
Boats X.25 Config>
Configuring APPN Over Frame Relay
The following example shows configuration of APPN over Frame Relay.
nada207 Config>p appn
APPN user configuration
nada207 APPN config>add port
(S)DLC, (X)25, (D)LSw, (A)TM, (IP) [ ] ?f
Interface number(Default 0): [0]? 4
Port name (Max 8 characters) [FR004]?
Enable APPN on this port (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Port Definition
Service any node: (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
High performance routing: (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Maximum BTU size (768-2048) [2048]?
Maximum number of link stations (1-976) [512]?
Percent of link stations reserved for incoming calls (0-100) [0]?
Percent of link stations reserved for outgoing calls (0-100) [0]?
Local SAP address (04-EC) [4]?
Support bridged formatted frames: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Edit LLC Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Edit HPR defaults: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
nada207 APPN config>add link
APPN Station
Port name for the link station []? fr004
Station name (Max 8 characters) []? tonn
Activate link automatically (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
DLCI number for link (16-1007) [16]?
Adjacent node type: 0 = APPN network node,
1 = APPN end node or Unknown node type
2 = LEN end node,3=PU2.0node [1]? 0
High performance routing: (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Edit Dependent LU Server: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Chapter 1. APPN 73