Age (secs)
The current age, in seconds, for the entry. If a router does not receive an
update about a service node that is in the routing table at least every 360
seconds (6 minutes), the router removes the entry for that service node
from the routing table.
Neighbor Tables
The neighbor table contains information about the neighbor service nodes and client
nodes connected to the router. Figure 15 shows a sample neighbor table and
descriptions of the fields in this table follow the figure.
Neighbor Table Field
Nbr Address
The address of the neighbor node. In Figure 15, the address
30633333:0001 is a service node and address 0035CC10:8000 is a client
Intf The medium to which the neighbor node is attached.
Metric An estimated cost, in 200-millisecond increments, to route the VINES
packet to the neighbor node.
Age (secs)
The current age, in seconds, for the entry. If a router does not receive a
routing update from a neighbor at least every 360 seconds (6 minutes), the
router removes the entry for that neighbor from the neighbor table and, if
the neighbor is a service node, from the routing table.
H/W Addr
The node’s LAN address if the neighbor is connected to a LAN. If the frame
relay protocol is running, the H/W Addr is the Data Link Connection
Identifier (DLCI). For X.25 interfaces, the H/W Addr is the X.25 address of
the neighbor.
RIF Routing Information Field. A sequence of segment and bridge numbers, in
hexadecimal, which indicate a path through the network between two
stations. RIF is required for source routing.
RTP Implementation
RTP entities issue the following packets:
RTP request packets.
Requests to the service nodes to obtain the current
network topology. On initialization, an X.25 interface generates routing request
packets every 90 seconds to each X.25 destination on the X.25 interface. When
the X.25 interface receives a routing response packet, three full routing database
Nbr Address Intf Metric Age(secs) H/W Addr RIF
30633333:0001 TKR/0 4 30 0000C0095012
0035CC10:8000 Eth/1 2 120 0000C0078221
2 Total Neighbors
Figure 15. Sample Neighbor Table
Chapter 5. Using VINES 237