Table 15. Configuration Parameter List - APPN Node Management (continued)
Parameter Information
Save RSCV information for intermediate sessions
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
This parameter specifies whether the APPN node should save the Route Selection
control vector (RSCV) for an intermediate session. The data is captured in an
associated SNMP MIB variable for APPN.
The session RSCV is carried in the BIND request used to activate a session between
two LUs. It describes the optimum route through an APPN network for a particular
LU-LU session. The session RSCV contains the CP names and TG associated with
each pair of adjacent nodes along a route from an origin node to a destination node.
Create intermediate session records
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
This parameter enables or disables the creation of data records for intermediate
sessions passing through this node. The records contain information about session
counters and session characteristics. RSCV information is also included in the data
records if the Save RSCV information for intermediate sessions parameter is enabled.
If this parameter is set to yes, the setting of
collect intermediate session information
Record creation threshold
Valid Values
0 to 4 294 967, in 1 KB increments
Default Value
This parameter specifies a byte threshold for creating intermediate session records.
When session data exceeds the value in this byte counter by an even multiple, a
record is created.
APPN Configuration Commands
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2