Table 25. Configuration Parameter List - Modify TG Characteristics (continued)
Parameter Information
Cost per byte
Valid Values
Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.
This parameter expresses the relative cost of transmitting a byte over the associated
TG. The units are user-defined and the assigned value should reflect the actual
expenses incurred for transmitting over the TG relative to all other TGs in the network.
A value of zero means that bytes may be transmitted over the TG at no additional cost.
Higher values represent higher costs.
Valid Values
v Nonsecure - all else (for example, satellite-connected, or located in a nonsecure
v Public switched network - secure in the sense that route is not predetermined.
v Underground cable - located in secure country (as determined by the network
v Secure conduit - Not guarded, (for example, pressurized pipe).
v Guarded conduit - protected against physical tapping.
v Encrypted - link-level encryption is provided.
v Guarded radiation - guarded conduit containing the transmission medium; protected
against physical and radiation tapping.
Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.
This parameter indicates the level of security protection associated with the TG. If
security attributes other than the architecturally-defined ones are needed, one of the
user-defined TG characteristics may be used to specify additional values.
Propagation delay
Valid Values
Minimum LAN – less than 480 microseconds
Telephone – between .48 and 49.152 milliseconds
Packet switched - between 49.152 and 245.76 milliseconds
Satellite - greater than 245.76 milliseconds Maximum
Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.
This parameter specifies the approximate range for the length of time that it takes for a
signal to propagate from one end of the TG to the other.
APPN Configuration Commands
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2