ap2config>add nfilter out
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 11
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 20
zfilter in
interface# zone name
Adds a zone name filter to the input or output of the interface.
ap2config>add zfilter in
Interface # [0]? 1
Zone name []? Marketing
zfilter out
interface# zone name
Adds a zone name filter to the output of the interface.
ap2config>add zfilter out
Interface # [0]? 0
Zone name []? Corporate
Use the delete command to delete a zone name from the interface zone list,
network or zone name filters, or all AppleTalk Phase 2 information from an interface.
nfilter in...
nfilter out...
zfilter in...
zfilter out...
interface# zonename
Deletes a zone name from the interface zone list.
ap2config>delete zone 2 newyork
nfilter in
interface# first network# last network#
Deletes a network filter from the input of the interface. You must enter the
same network range numbers you set using the add nfilter in command.
ap2config>delete nfilter in
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 1
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 12
nfilter out
Deletes a network filter from the output of the interface. You must enter the
same network range numbers you set using the add nfilter out command.
ap2config>delete nfilter out
Interface # [0]? 0
First Network range number (decimal) [0]? 11
Last Network range number (decimal) [0]? 20
zfilter in
interface# zone name
Deletes a zone name filter from the input of the interface.
AppleTalk Phase 2 Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
Chapter 4. Configuring and Monitoring AppleTalk Phase 2 223