
External Domain
Indicates whether the circuit is operating outside the IS-IS routing
Default Metric
Indicates the cost of the subnet. Cost range 20–63.
IS Hello Timer
Indicates the period between transmissions of IS hello PDUs.
ISIS Hello Timer
Indicates the period between transmissions of L1 and L2 IS-IS hello
Modify Transmit password
Removes or changes a circuit transmit password. When you select
yes, this option prompts you with the following:
Delete or change the transmit password
Modify the set of receive passwords
Removes all or adds one circuit receive-password. When you select
yes, this option prompts you with the following:
Delete all or add 1 receive password
L1 Priority/L2 Priority
Indicates the router priority for becoming the designated router on
the LAN.
All ESs
Indicates the multicast address to use when transmitting IS hellos.
The default address reflects the ethernet/802.3 multicast address. If
you are connecting to a 802.5 LAN, use C00000004000.
All ISs
Indicates the multicast address to use when receiving ES hellos.
The default address reflects the ethernet/802.3 multicast address. If
you are connecting to a 802.5 LAN, use C00000008000.
All L1 ISs
Indicates the multicast address to use when transmitting and
receiving L1 IS-IS PDUs. The default address reflects the
ethernet/802.3 multicast address. If you are connecting to a 802.5
LAN, use C00000008000.
All L2 ISs
Indicates the multicast address to use when transmitting and
receiving L2 IS-IS PDUs. The default address reflects the
ethernet/802.3 multicast address. If you are connecting to a 802.5
LAN, use C00000008000.
Turns the OSI options on or off.
set switches
ES-IS Checksum Option [OFF]?
ES-IS Init Option [OFF]?
ISIS Authentication [OFF]?
IS-IS Checksum Option
When switched on, the router generates checksums for all sourced
ES-IS packets.
DECnet V/OSI Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
Chapter 10. Configuring and Monitoring OSI/DECnet V 327