Sender Information - (continued)
When Mixed Original is Selected
When Mixed Original is selected and mixed size originals are set and sent as shown in the fol-
lowing illustration, the sender information is printed on the longer side of the small original.
Please keep this in mind when you mix paper such as A4R and A3 or B5R and B4.
01/02/2002 01:23 #012 P.3/3
FROM:01234567890123456 01/10/2002 01:23 #012 P.2/3
01/02/2002 01:23 #012 P.3/3
FROM:01234567890123456 01/10/2002 01:23 #012 P.2/3
FROM:01234567890123456 01/10/2002 01:23 #012 P.1/3
FROM:01234567890123456 01/10/2002 01:23 #012 P.1/3