Confirming Communication Results - (continued)
TEL .......A call from an external telephone.
----.........MDN result response has not been transmitted.
NG.........Transmission was not correctly completed.
The mark "----" indicated on the transmit result screen in the Internet Fax mode denotes that
the message was transmitted to your server. "OK" indicates that the MDN result response
was received.
4. Press BACK twice after completion of confirmation.
The FAX Basic screen will be restored.
Simple Internet
Fax Transmission
Transmi tt ing Do cument s to
Internet Fax/Computer
Transmitting to Both
Co nven tio na l F ax an d E-Mail
Placing the Original
on the Machine
Setting Transmission
Method for Specifying
Ad dress e s
Confirming Reserved
Do cum en ts
Con firming
Commu nication Result s