Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
1-2The Purpose of This Manual
In Issue 3, three new sections were added and have since been maintained to
reflect new products that have been introduced. The Exposed Port Protection
section discusses the different protection required for lightning protection. The
Adjunct Power section discusses the different types of adjunct power supplies
available. The Administration section discusses how to administer some of the
newer terminals when the software of the version switch being used does not
contain the proper administration procedures for the new terminal.
Issue 3 and subsequent issues of this document also had an Availability
chapter which listed the availability of each terminal and adjunct described
in this book. However, interpretations of the meaning of “availability” differed
among the readers of this manual, and, therefore, the chapter raised more
questions than it provided meaningful information. As a result, in this issue,
the Availability chapter has been omitted. However, information on whether
the product is still being manufactured continues to appear in the subsection
on each individual terminal or adjunct. If questions about availability of any
Lucent Technologies product remain, contact your local account executive.
The equipment covered in this manual includes the following specific groups:
■ Telephones/Voice Terminals
■ Adjuncts used with the voice terminals to enhance voice operations
■ Data Modules (adjuncts that support data operations)
■ PC Platforms (PC/PBX) and Application Software
Attendant consoles, applications processors (APs), printers, and data terminals
used with APs are not described in this manual.
Figure 1-1 shows a typical arrangement of terminals and adjuncts connected to
the system switch.