Instruction Classification
4-33Assembly Language Instructions
Table 4–20. Class 3 Instruction Description (Continued)
C3 Mnemonic Description
1 0 1 0 0 MOV SV, An[~] [, next A]
MOVS SV, An[~]
Transfer accumulator(A~=0) or offset accumulator (A~=1)
to SV register. Transfer status is modified.
1 0 1 0 1 MOV PH, An[~] [, next A]
MOVS PH, An[~]
Transfer accumulator (A~=0) or offset accumulator (A~=1)
to PH register. Transfer status is modified.
1 0 1 1 0 MOV MR, An[~] [, next A]
MOVS MR, An[~]
Transfer accumulator (A~=0) or offset accumulator (A~=1)
to MR register in the signed multiplier mode (UM bit in
status register set to 0). Transfer status is modified.
1 0 1 1 1 MOVU MR, An[~] [, next A] Transfer accumulator (A~=0 or 1) to MR register in the
unsigned multiplier mode(UM bit set to 1). Transfer status
is modified.
1 1 0 0 0 MULSPL An[~], An[~] [, next A]
MULSPLS An[~], An[~]
Multiply the MR register by accumulator (A~=1) or offset
accumulator (A~=0) , subtract lower 16 bits of the product
from the offset accumulator (A~=1) or accumulator
(A~=0). Store in the accumulator (~A=0) or offset
accumulator (~A=1). Latch the upper 16 bits in PH. ALU
status is modified.
1 1 0 0 1 MULAPL An[~], An[~] [, next A]
MULAPLS An[~], An[~]
Multiply MR register by accumulator (A~=1) or offset
accumulator (A~=0) , add lower 16 bits of product to offset
accumulator (A~=1) or accumulator (A~=0) and store to
accumulator (~A=0) or offset accumulator (~A=1). Latch
upper 16 bits in PH. ALU status is modified.
1 1 0 1 0 SHLTPL An[~], An[~][, next A]
SHLTPLS An[~], An[~]
Barrel shift the accumulator (A~=1 or 1) value n bits left
(SV reg). Store the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit shift result to
PH (msbs extended by XM mode bit). Transfer the lower
16 bits to accumulator (~A=0) or offset(~A=1). ALU status
is modified.
1 1 0 1 1 MULTPL An[~], An[~] [, next A]
MULTPLS An[~], An[~]
Multiply MR register by accumulator(A~=1) or offset
(A~=0), transfer lower 16 bits of product to accumulator
(~A=0) or offset accumulator(~A=1). Latch upper 16 bits of
Product to PH register. ALU status is modified.
1 1 1 0 0 SHLSPL An[~], An[~] [, next A]
SHLSPLS An[~], An[~]
Barrel shift the accumulator(A~=1) or offset accumulator
(A~=0) value n bits left (SV reg). Store the upper 16 bits to
PH. Subtract the lower 16 bits of value from offset (A~=1)
or accumulator (A~=0) and store in accumulator (~A=0) or
offset accumulator (~A=1). ALU status is modified.
1 1 1 0 1 SHLAPL An[~], An[~] [, next A]
SHLAPLS An[~], An[~]
Barrel shift the accumulator(A~=1) or offset accumulator
(A~=0) value n bits left (SV reg). Store the upper 16 bits to
PH. Add the lower 16 bits of value to offset accumulator
(A~=1) or accumulator (A~=0) and store in accumulator
(~A=0) or offset accumulator(~A=1). ALU status is