C–– Compiler
5-19Code Development Tools
#include “file.h”
#include <stdio.h>
The include directories are defined on the cmm_input structure passed to the
compiler. There is no limit to the nesting of include files. #asm
All text following this directive is inserted as is in the output file, and is
considered as assembly language (hence not compiled). The insertion
continues until a #endasm directive is found. Note that both #asm and
#endasm must be at the beginning of a line, and that all text following them
on the same line is ignored. #endasm
Signals the end of assembly language insertion. Must be paired with a #asm
directive. #ifdef, (#ifndef)
Starts conditional assembly if token following it has been defined (not been
defined) by a #define directive. These directives are terminated by a #endif
directive, and can be coupled with a #else directive, as in regular C. Note that
the test can only check if the named token is currently defined or undefined. #if
Starts conditional assembly if the expression following it evaluates to a non
zero value. This directive is terminated by a #endif directive, and can be
coupled with a #else directive, as in regular C. #else
See #if directive. #endif
Must be present to terminate a #ifdef or #ifndef directive
Typedef is not supported in C––.
5.5.5 Include Files
There are currently two include files supplied with C– –, cmm_func.h, which
contains function prototypes for the C– –functions and cmm_macr.h which
contains some predefined macros. Both files are listed below: