Individual Instruction Descriptions
4-113Assembly Language Instructions
Syntax DescriptionAlternate
JRNLZP pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on Rx ≥ 0 after post-mod
JRZP pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on Rx = 0 after post-mod
JRNZP pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on Rx ≠ 0 after post-mod
JS pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on SF = 1
JNS pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on SF = 0
JTAG pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on TAG = 1
JNTAG pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on TAG = 0
JTF1 pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on TF1 = 1
JNTF1 pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on TF1 = 0
JTF2 pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on TF2 = 1
JNTF2 pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on TF2 = 0
JXG pma16 [, Rmod] JXNLE Conditional jump on transfer greater (signed)
JXNG pma16 [, Rmod] JXLE Conditional jump on transfer not greater (signed)
JXS pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on transfer SF = 1
JXNS pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on transfer SF = 0
JXZ pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on transfer ZF = 1 (zero)
JXNZ pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on transfer ZF = 0 (not equal)
JZ pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on ZF = 1
JNZ pma16 [, Rmod] Conditional jump on ZF = 0
Alternate mnemonics are provided as a way of improving source code readability. They generate the same opcode as the
original mnemonic. For example, JA (jump above) tests the same conditions as JNBE (jump not below or equal) but may have
more meaning in a specific section of code.
See Also JMP, CALL, Ccc
Example JNZ 0x2010
Jump to program memory location 0x2010 if the result is not zero.
Example JE 0x2010, R3++R5
Jump to program memory location 0x2010 if flag RZF = 1. Increment R3 by R5. Since this jump
instruction does not have a P at the end, post-modification is NOT reflected in the STAT register. Thus,
if R3 becomes zero, RZF is not updated.
Example JIN1 0x2010, R1––
Jump to program memory location 0x2010 if I/O port address PD
pin has a value of 1. Decrement R1
by 2.
Example JTAG 0x2010, R2++
Jump to program memory location 0x2010 if TAG bit of STAT is zero. Increment R2 by 2.