C–– Efficiency
Descriptions of files that are also in Project 1 have been omitted.
[dsp] Directory holding files for speech synthesis.
[celp] Directory holding files for celp synthesis.
celp.irx Mnemonics used by celp.obj.
celp4.obj Celp synthesis routines.
[common] Directory holding utility routines.
util.obj Utilities used for synthesis.
util2.obj Utilities used for synthesis.
[general] Directory for non-coder-specific routines.
dsp_var.irx Constants used by the synthesis routines.
dsputil.asm Routines common to the synthesis algorithms.
getbits.asm Routines for requesting speech data.
speak.asm Routines for speaking a phrase.
speak.irx Combines irx files for each synthesis algorithm.
speak_ram.irx Allocates RAM for speech synthesis.
[melp] Directory holding files for melp synthesis.
melp.irx Mnemonics used by melp.obj.
melp.obj Melp synthesis routines.
sleep.asm Functions to enter sleep modes.
dac_isr.asm DAC interrupt service routine.
tim1_isr.asm Timer 1 interrupt service routine.
[speech] Directory holding speech data.
[celp] Directory holding CELP speech data.
[melp] Directory holding MELP speech data.
ampm.qfm Speech file of AM and PM .
days.qfm Speech file of Sun–Sat.
ones.qfm Speech file of 0–9.
teens.qfm Speech file of 10–19.
tens.qfm Speech file of 20, 30, 40, 50.
Five of the important files from the first project have been modified and there
are many new files.