AMD 4.4.5 Switch User Manual

AMD Confidential
User Manual November 21
, 2008
Chapter 5: Running the Simulator 47
2 simnow> listmachines
*2 -gui -vga +d
1 -gui -vga +d
2 simnow>
See also Section 5.1, Command-Line Arguments”, on page 39 for further information
regarding available command-line arguments.
To exit a created simulated machine enter „exit‟, as shown in the following example:
1 simnow> exit
2 simnow>
This example exits the simulated machine „1‟.
+d: Mouse and Keyboard
inputs are enabled.
-d: Mouse and keyboard
inputs are disabled.
VGA Window is enabled.
GUI is enabled (console mode).
* = Specifies current Machine ID.