Cisco Systems OL-16066-01 Network Router User Manual

Appendix K Router Platform User Interface Reference
Quality of Service Policy Page
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 3.2
Edit ACLs Dialog Box—QoS Classes
When configuring a QoS policy on a Cisco IOS router, use the Edit ACLs dialog
box to specify which ACLs should be included in the matching criteria for the
selected class. Traffic matching this criteria is included as part of the class.
Navigation Path
Go to the QoS Class Dialog Box—Matching Tab, page K-208, then click Edit in
the ACL field.
Related Topics
Defining QoS Class Matching Parameters, page 15-170
Defining QoS on Interfaces, page 15-165
Defining QoS on the Control Plane, page 15-168
Quality of Service Policy Page, page K-199
Field Reference
Table K-93 Edit ACLs Dialog Box—QoS Classes
Element Description
Access Control Lists The ACLs to include as part of the matching criteria for the selected QoS
class. Enter the names of the ACLs or click Select to use an Object Selectors,
page F-593.
For more information, see Understanding Access Control List Objects,
page 9-30.
Select button Opens an Object Selectors, page F-593 for selecting ACLs. Using the
selector eliminates the need to manually enter this information.
If the ACL you want is not listed, click the Create button in the selector to
display the dialog box for defining an ACL object (see Access Control Lists
Page, page F-31).
OK button Saves your changes locally on the client and closes the dialog box.
Note To save your changes to the Security Manager server so that they are
not lost when you log out or close your client, click Save on the
source page.