Cisco Systems OL-16066-01 Network Router User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 3.2
Appendix K Router Platform User Interface Reference
OSPF Process Policy Page
OSPF Process Page—Area Tab
Use the OSPF Area tab to create, edit, and delete the areas and networks contained
in each OSPF process. This includes selecting the type of authentication used by
each area.
Navigation Path
Go to the OSPF Process Policy Page, page K-243, then click the Area tab.
Related Topics
Defining OSPF Area Settings, page 15-194
OSPF Process Page—Setup Tab, page K-243
OSPF Process Page—Redistribution Tab, page K-249
OSPF Interface Policy Page, page K-236
Field Reference
Table K-114 OSPF Process Area Tab
Element Description
Filter Enables you to filter the information displayed in the table. For more
information, see Filtering Tables, page 3-24.
Area ID The ID number of the area associated with the process.
Process ID The process ID that identifies the OSPF routing process to other routers.
Networks The networks included in the area.
Authentication The authentication type used by the area—MD5, clear text, or none.
Add button Open the OSPF Area Dialog Box, page K-248. From here you can define an
OSPF area.
Edit button Opens the OSPF Area Dialog Box, page K-248. From here you can edit the
selected OSPF area.
Delete button Deletes the selected OSPF areas from the table.
Save button Saves your changes to the Security Manager server but keeps them private.
Note To publish your changes, click the Submit icon on the toolbar.