Alert Tone Off Does not emit a tone when a problem occurs.
On Emits a tone when a problem occurs.
Out of Paper Alert Off Does not emit a tone when the printer runs out of paper.
On Emits a tone when the printer runs out of paper.
Low Toner Alert Off Does not emit a tone when the toner is low.
On Emits a tone when the toner is low.
Auto Clear Alert Off Does not emit a tone before the printer performs auto
Tone clear.
On Emits a tone 5 seconds before the printer performs auto
mm / inch Millimeters(mm) Selects millimeter or inch as the default measurement
Default Paper Size A4 (210x297mm) Sets the default paper size.
Letter (8.5x11")
Enable A4<>Letter On Prints A4 size jobs on Letter size paper if A4 is not
Switch available in the paper trays and vice versa (Letter size job
on A4 size paper).
Off Does not print A4 size jobs on Letter size paper or Letter
size jobs on A4 paper.
Auto Log Print Off Does not automatically print a job history report after
every 20 jobs.
On Automatically prints a job history report after every 20
Report 2 Sided Print
1 Sided Prints reports on one side of a sheet of paper.
2 Sided Prints reports on both sides of a sheet of paper.
Print ID Off Does not print the user ID.
Top Left Prints the user ID on the specified location.
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
Print Text Off Does not print the received PDL data as text data.
On Prints the received PDL data as text data.
Banner Sheet Insert
Off Does not insert the banner sheet.
Front Sets where to insert the banner sheet.
Front & Back
Banner Sheet Specify
Tray 1
Sets the tray for the banner sheet.
Tray 2
RAM Disk
Off Does not allocate RAM for the disk file system. Secure
Print, Private Mail Box Print, Public Mail Box Print, and
Proof Print jobs will abort and be recorded to the job log.
Available Range: 50–450MBytes Allocates RAM for the disk file system automatically.
(in 50 MB increments)
Understanding the Tool Box Menus