Understanding the Printer Menus
Adjust Density
To adjust density level.
Va lues:
To print various charts that can be used for diagnosis of the printer.
Va lues:
Clean Developer
To clean the transfer unit.
Va lues:
Clean Transfer Unit
To clean the transfer unit.
Va lues:
Toner Refresh
To clean the toner in the drum cartridge (and supply new toner from toner cartridge).
Toner Refresh feature uses the toner, and shorten the life of the toner cartridge and the drum cartridge.
Postcard JPN 0
Available Range:
(Lighten) -3 to (Darken) +3
Darken 1 to 3 Adjusts the density level darker than the normal setting.
0 Works well with standard typed or printed documents.
Lighten 1 to 3 Adjusts the density level lighter than the normal setting.
Pitch Chart Print Prints a full halftone page. Also prints a page to check the pitch. A
total of two pages are printed.
Full Page Solid 1-Sided Specifies to print a chart of the full page solid on the paper.
2-Sided Specifies to print a chart of the full page solid on both sides of the
Print Begins to print a full page solid.
Alignment Chart Print Prints a chart to check for proper alignment of the print image on
the paper.
Start Cleans the transfer unit.
Start Cleans the transfer unit.