Fujitsu 2000 SERIES Server User Manual

CHAPTER 4 PCI Card Hot Maintenance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
4.3 Hot replacement of IOU
1. Confirm where the NIC is mounted.
Confirm the correspondence between PCI Address and interface name of NIC mounted in the IOU which
is confirmed by above dp show IOUcommand.
Example: When PCI Address is 0000:89:00.0”.
# ls -l /sys/class/net/*/device | grep "0000:89:00.0"
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Aug 27 16:06 2013
device ¥
-> ../../../ 0000:89:00.0
The ¥ at the end of a line indicates that there is no line feed.
In this case, eth0 is the interface name which is correspondent to PCI bus address 0000:89:00.0”.
You will use the bus address obtained here in steps 2 and procedure after IOU replacement. Record the
bus address so that you can reference it later.
Next, check the PCI slot number for this PCI bus address.
Execute ethtool -p” command, making the LED of NIC blinked. Check IOU or PCI_box connected to the
IOU, checking in which slots the NIC is mounted, (e.g. PCI#0)
Example: Blinking the LED of the NIC corresponding to interface eth0for ten seconds.
# /sbin/ethtool p eth0 10
2. Make a table with information including interface name, hardware address and PCI bus address of NIC
mounted on IOU to be replaced.
Make a below table with information of IOU to be replaced within information which is got by step 1.
TABLE 4.1 Correspondence between bus addresses and interface names
Interface name
Hardware address
Bus address
Onboard 0
Onboard 1
When recording a bus address, include the function number (number after the period).
- Confirm the correspondence between the interface name and hardware address
Execute below command, checking the correspondence between the interface name and the
hardware address.
Example: eth0 for a single interface
# cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address
Example: eth0 for a bonding interface
# cat /proc/net/bonding/bondY
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver .........
Slave interface: eth0
Permanent HW addr: 2c:d4:44:f1:44:f0
You can use this procedure only when the bonding device is active. If the bonding device is not active
or the slave has not been incorporated, use the same procedure as for a single interface.
Also, the correspondence between the interface name and hardware address is automatically
registered by the system in the udev function rule file, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.
Confirm that the ATTR{address} and NAME items have the same definitions as in the above output.