Fujitsu DX8000 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
End of procedure
5.2.7 Set Snap Data Pool
When the Snap Data Volume (SDV) used as a copy destination for SnapOPC or SnapOPC+ is
shortened during the operation, the SDV capacity is automatically expanded. Space to be used
for the SDV capacity expansion is called Snap Data Pool (SDP), which is configured by multiple
Snap Data Pool Volumes (SDPV). When the SDV capacity is shortened by data copy and/or writ
ing from the host, space in the SDP is allocated in units of Snap Data Pool Elements (SDPE).
When the SDPV creation process is completed, the SDPV will be formatted automatically.
SDPV Requirements
Volume capacity should be 2TB or less.
Volume capacity should be in multiple of SDPE capacity (1GB/2GB/4GB).
Conditions of RAID group in which SDPV(s) will be created
The [Status] of the RAID Group must be [Available], or [Present].
A RAID Group which is not used, or a RAID Group with an Open Volume, a Snap Data
Volume, or a Snap Data Pool Volume created.
If volumes are created in the RAID Group, the number of volumes in the RAID Group must be
less than 128.
RAID Group must not be registered in the Thin Provisioning Pool.
RAID Group must not be registered as the REC Disk Buffer.
If the RAID Group is not used (no volume created), DVCF Mode must be [OFF] or [-].
The free space (Free) in the RAID group must be 1GB or more.
RAID Group must not be blocked.
The RAID Group is not LDE processing.
Click the [Create Logical Volume] link to continue volume
If mapping is performed after volume registration and during
format, the volume will be accessible from the host. If mapping is
performed on an encrypted volume where [Create as an
encrypted volume.] was selected when creating, access is also
possible during format.
Progress of volume format can be checked using the [Volume
List] or the [RAID Group List] function.