Fujitsu DX8000 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 3 Status Menu
> 3.1 Device Status
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Status of Each Component
The component status is displayed by the "LED image".
The component status LEDs is not updated automatically, but rather when the [Refresh]
button is clicked or the Device Status screen is displayed.
Each LED image is determined by integrating the component status.
Device Identification No.
The device identification number is displayed in the Base Rack screen.
It is used to identify the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series when referring to the ETERNUS
Multipath Driver path information and message.
The following procedure explains how to display and check the status of the device.
The screens displayed during this operation will vary depending on the model. Especially when
the contents of the
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series screens are different, both screens are
described in this manual.
In this case, the ETERNUS DX440 is described as the ETERNUS DX410/DX440, and the ETER-
NUS DX8400 is described as the ETERNUS DX8100/DX8400/DX8700.
1 Click [Device Status] in the [Status] menu.
The [Device Status (Base Rack)] screen appears.
LED image State Description
Normal Each component is in normal status.
Warning Some components are installed but unused.
When the components are disk drives, the [Normal
(Green)] lamp is displayed instead of the [Warning
(Blue)] lamp for the general status of the device.
Maintenance Component is under maintenance.
Warning Preventive maintenance is required for some
Alarm Component failure is detected.
Error Other unknown
Format Meaning
xxxxxx Device identification number is displayed (six ASCII code characters).