Fujitsu DX8000 Computer Drive User Manual

ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Units in this Manual
Except as otherwise noted, the following units are used in this manual:
Physical disk capacity and disk drive types assume that 1KB = 1,000B, 1MB = 1,000KB, 1GB
= 1,000MB, and 1TB = 1,000GB (example: "300GB disk drive").
Other capacities (for RAID groups and volumes) assume that 1KB = 1,024B, 1MB = 1,024KB,
1GB = 1,024MB, and 1TB = 1,024GB.
Administrator Privileges for Resource Domains
There are two privileges for the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series in which Resource Domains
are registered: "Total Administrator" and "Resource Domain Administrator". In this manual, these
privileges are defined as follows.
A "Total Administrator" account is a user account with the default role specified using the [Set
User Account] function, or a user account with the role in which "All Resources" is specified
as the Resource Domain using the [Set Role] function.
In this manual, a "system administrator" is equivalent to a "Total Administrator". A Total
Administrator can create, change, and delete all the resources that are assigned to Resource
A "Resource Domain Administrator" account is a user account with the role in which a specific
Resource Domain is specified using the [Set Role] function. A Resource Domain
Administrator can create resources in a Resource Domain that is specified to the user
account. In addition, a Resource Domain Administrator can change and delete resources in
the relevant Resource Domain and Shared Resource.
Note that the screens in this manual are displayed when logged on the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series in which Resource Domains are not registered using a Total Administrator
account, except as otherwise noted.
Also, note that the screen shots in this manual were captured during development of the
software and the actual screens may be different.
Screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED