
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Concatenated Volume RAID Group Requirements
A RAID Group must be the same disk type as the RAID Group where the volume to be
concatenated is registered.
RAID group [Status] must be [Available].
RAID group must satisfy either of the following:
- A RAID Group with Open Volume, Snap Data Volume, or Snap Data Pool Volume
- A RAID Group with no volume registered.
- A RAID Group that is not registered in the Thin Provisioning Pool.
- A RAID Group that is not registered as the REC Disk Buffer.
RAID group must have less than 128 volumes registered.
RAID group must have 1,024MB or more free area.
RAID group must not be blocked.
RAID group must not be running LDE.
A RAID Group must be registered in the same Resource Domain as the concatenation source
volume (*1).
*1: When Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series, concatenation
is available only when the RAID Groups to which the concatenation source and destination
volumes belong are registered in the same Resource Domain. If the concatenation source volume
is a Shared Resource (volumes in which Resource Domain is "Share"), RAID Group to create the
volume to be concatenated must be also the Shared Resource.
Concatenated volumes with no existing volumes cannot be created.
To concatenate only new volumes, first use the [Create Logical Volume]
menu to create a new "existing" volume, then use the [LUN
Concatenation] menu to concatenate the other new volumes on it.
Mapping will be required after concatenating new volumes.
Volumes may not be deleted (removed) from the concatenated volume
with the [LUN Concatenation] function.
After the [LUN Concatenation] function is used to expand the capacity of
an existing volume, the server will need to re-acquire the increased
volume capacity.
Refer to the server OS and file system manuals for details.
A concatenated volume including Thin Provisioning Volumes registered
in the Thin Provisioning Pool cannot be created.
When Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series, Assignable Resources for Logical Volume of the same
number as volumes to be concatenated are required in the Resource
Domain to which the concatenation source volume belongs to use the
[LUN Concatenation] function. When the Assigned Resources for
Logical Volumes reach the maximum number of Assignable Resources
for Logical Volumes, volumes cannot be concatenated. The number of
Logical Volumes that are assigned to the relevant Resource Domain
and the number of Assignable Resources can be checked using the
[Resource Domain List] function.