
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
7 Click the [OK] button.
When migrating Open Volume Open Volume:
When migrating TPV TPV:
The screen to be displayed differs depending on the selected migration type.
When migrating Open Volume Open Volume:
The [RAID Migration (Updating Configuration Information)] screen appears. After
the process has successfully been completed, the [RAID Migration (Setting Result/
Format Migration)] screen is displayed. Creation of a work volume (temporarily
created volume as a working volume) to execute migration is complete at this point.
Since the formatting starts subsequently, the [RAID Migration (Format Progress)]
screen appears. When the format starting process is complete, RAID Migration
starts, and the [RAID Migration (Setting Result)] screen appears.
When migrating TPV Open Volume:
The [RAID Migration (RAID Migration Starting Progress)] screen appears. The
creation and format of a work volume (temporarily created volume as a working
volume) to execute migration starts at this point. When the format starting process is
complete, RAID Migration starts, and the [RAID Migration (Setting Result)] screen
When migrating Open Volume TPV, TPV TPV:
The [RAID Migration (RAID Migration Starting Progress)] screen appears. The
creation of a work volume (temporarily created volume as a working volume) to
execute migration starts at this point. When volume creation is complete, RAID
Migration starts, and the [RAID Migration (Setting Result)] screen appears.