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The expansion I/O is not installed:
The strip sensor is ignored, an issue is performed.
*1 Issue mode E is different from issue mode D. In issue mode E, a label is
issued regardless of whether or not a label to be stripped is placed.
*2 The peripheral device such as an applicator, must control the PAUSE
signal generated from the expansion I/O.
*3 If the issue count is set to 2 or more to issue labels when the expansion I/O
has been installed, the printer issues the specified number of labels while
the PAUSE signal generated from the expansion I/O is off.
*4 If the issue count is set to 2 or more to issue labels when the expansion I/O
has not been installed, the specified number of labels is issued.
Head position
Strip position
(1) Idling
(3) Completes printing the 1st label (A).
(5) Completes printing the 2nd label (B).
(7) Completes printing the 3rd label (C).
* The next label is printed regardless of whethe
or not the label is removed.
(2) Feeds back to the home position.
(6) Feeds back to the home position.
(4) Feeds back to the home position.