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Function Sets the format to indicate the position on the label, at which the outline font is to be
printed and how it is to be printed.
~ Fonts other than TrueType font
Format c [ESC] PVaa; bbbb, cccc, dddd, eeee, f (, ghhh), ii, j (, Mk)
(, lmmmmmmmmmm) (, Znn) (, Po) (=ppp------ppp) [LF] [NUL]
d [ESC] PVaa; bbbb, cccc, dddd, eeee, f (, ghhh), ii, j (, Mk)
(, lmmmmmmmmmm) (, Znn) (, Po) (; qq
, qq
, qq
, ------, qq
) [LF] [NUL]
Term aa: Character string number
00 to 99
bbbb: Print origin of X-coordinate of the character string
Fixed as 4 digits (in 0.1 mm units)
cccc: Print origin of Y-coordinate of the character string
4 or 5 digits (in 0.1 mm units)
dddd(D): Character width
0020 to 0850 (in 0.1 mm units)
eeee(D): Height of the character
0020 to 0850 (in 0.1 mm units)
f: Type of font
A: TEC FONT1 (Helvetica [bold])
B: TEC FONT1 (Helvetica [bold] proportional)
E: Price Font 1
F: Price Font 2
G: Price Font 3
H: DUTCH801 Bold (Times Roman Proportional)
I: BRUSH738 Regular (Pop Proportional)
J: GOTHIC725 Black (Proportional)
ghhh: Fine adjustment of character-to-character space
(Omissible. If omitted, space is adjusted according to the designated font.)
g: Designates whether to increase or decrease the character-to-character
+: Increase
-: Decrease
hhh: No. of space dots between characters
000 to 512 (in dots)
ii: Rotational angles of a character and character string
00: 0° (char.) 0° (char.-string)
11: 90° (char.) 90° (char.-string)
22: 180° (char.) 180° (char.-string)
33: 270° (char.) 270° (char.-string)