Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Power Distribution and Power Conditioning Products
Modbus/BACnet IP 110
Output Voltage THD Unit output Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion has exceeded the limit.
Output Voltage Vx THD Unit Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion for phase X.
Output Voltage Vx Unit output RMS voltage between phase X and Neutral
Output Voltage Vy THD Unit Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion for phase Y.
Output Voltage Vy Unit output RMS voltage between phase Y and Neutral
Output Voltage Vz THD Unit Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion for phase Z.
Output Voltage Vz Unit output RMS voltage between phase Z and Neutral
Output Voltage X-Y Unit output RMS voltage between phases X and Y
Output Voltage Y-Z Unit output RMS voltage between phases Y and Z.
Output Voltage Z-X Unit output RMS voltage between phases Z and X.
Panel Ground Overcurrent Panelboard Ground current has exceeded the limit.
Panel Main Current Ix Crest Factor Panelboard phase X Current Crest Factor (peak/RMS).
Panel Main Current Ix THD Current Total Harmonic Distortion for Panelboard phase X.
Panel Main Current Ix Panelboard RMS current for phase X.
Panel Main Current Iy Crest Factor Panelboard phase Y Current Crest Factor (peak/RMS).
Panel Main Current Iy THD Current Total Harmonic Distortion for Panelboard phase Y.
Panel Main Current Iy Panelboard RMS current for phase Y.
Panel Main Current Iz Crest Factor Panelboard phase Z Current Crest Factor (peak/RMS).
Panel Main Current Iz THD Current Total Harmonic Distortion for Panelboard phase Z.
Panel Main Current Iz Panelboard RMS current for phase Z.
Panel Main Ground Current Panelboard Ground RMS current.
Panel Main Neutral Current Panelboard Neutral RMS current.
Panel Main Output kW-Hrs Panelboard accumulated KW-Hours since last KW-Hours reset.
Panel Main Output Percent Load Panelboard percent load of rated current
Panel Main Output Power (kVA) Panelboard output kVA.
Panel Main Output Power (kW) Panelboard output KW
Panel Main Output Power Factor Panelboard Output Power Factor (real power/apparent power)
Panel Main Voltage Vx THD Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion for Panelboard phase X.
Panel Main Voltage Vy THD Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion for Panelboard phase Y.
Panel Main Voltage Vz THD Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion for Panelboard phase Z.
Panel Main Voltage X-N Panelboard RMS voltage between Phase X and Neutral.
Panel Main Voltage X-Y Panelboard RMS voltage between phases X and Y.
Panel Main Voltage Y-N Panelboard RMS voltage between Phase Y and Neutral.
Panel Main Voltage Y-Z Panelboard RMS voltage between phases Y and Z.
Panel Main Voltage Z-N Panelboard RMS voltage between Phase Z and Neutral.
Panel Main Voltage Z-X Panelboard RMS voltage between phases Z and X.
Panel Neutral Overcurrent Panelboard Neutral current has exceeded the limit.
Panel Overvoltage Panelboard voltage has exceeded the limit.
Panel Phase Overcurrent Panelboard phase current has exceeded the limit.
Panel Summary Alarm
Panelboard Summary Alarm. Annunciates upon occurrence of any branch or
panelboard main breaker alarm.
Panel Undervoltage Panelboard voltage is less than the limit.
Phase Loss Voltage and/or Frequency on one or more of the phases is outside the limit.
Table 37 Liebert FDC
, Liebert FPC
, Liebert RDC
, Liebert RX
- Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description