BACnet Communications - Thermal Management Products
Modbus/BACnet IP 244
Table 82 Liebert Challenger 3000
, Liebert Challenger ITR
, Liebert CW
, Liebert Deluxe System/3
Liebert DS
, Liebert DSE
, Liebert HPM
, Liebert PeX
- Glossary
Data Label Data Description
Actual Air Temperature Set Point
The actual set point being used for air temperature control. This value may
differ from [Air Temperature Set Point] if compensation is applied by the control.
Actual Humidity Set Point
The actual set point being used for humidity control. This value may differ from
[Humidity Set Point] if compensation is applied by the control.
Adjusted Humidity
Humidity value being used for control. This value may differ from the actual
measured [Return Humidity] based on several factors which may include, but
are not limited to, selection of humidity control sensor and humidity control type.
Air Economizer Availability
Indicates if the outside air conditions are appropriate for cooling with the air
economizer or glycol freecooling.
Air Economizer Control Source Source of control of the air economizer.
Air Economizer Emergency Override
Indoor room temperature has exceeded its upper threshold and the outdoor air
damper has been opened for emergency cooling.
Air Economizer Reduced Airflow Air economizer filter is dirty and needs to be cleaned or replaced.
Air Temperature Control Integration Time Time value used when system is under integral air temperature control.
Air Temperature Control Sensor
Sensor from which air temperature measurements will be used for cooling and
heating control.
Air Temperature Control Type Type of algorithm used to control the system's output air temperature.
Air Temperature Dead Band
Value that is divided evenly to form a temperature range above and below [Air
Temperature Set Point]. If measured air temperature is within this range, no
heating or cooling will occur.
Air Temperature Proportional Band
Value that is divided evenly to form proportional temperature control bands
above and below [Air Temperature Set Point].
Air Temperature Set Point
Desired air temperature. This set point is dependent upon which sensor is
selected for control.
Airflow Sensor Issue Airflow sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range.
Ambient Air Sensor Issue Ambient air sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range.
Analog Input Reading Generic analog input reading (unitless).
Auto Restart Delay
If power is lost, the control will delay this amount of time after power is restored
before restarting the unit.
BMS Communications Timeout
Building Management System (or external monitoring system) has not
communicated with the system within the expected timeframe.
BMS Timeout Period
Timeframe within which the Building Management System (or external
monitoring system) must communicate with the system to avoid a timeout.
Calculated Next Maintenance Month
Calculated month of the next scheduled maintenance. Used in conjunction with
[Calculated Next Maintenance Year].
Calculated Next Maintenance Year
Calculated year of the next scheduled maintenance. Used in conjunction with
[Calculated Next Maintenance Month].
Chilled Water Control Valve Failure
Chilled water valve out of position. Chilled water control valve position does not
match expected value.
Chilled Water Valve Hours
Operating hours for chilled water valve since last reset of this value. If operating
hours exceeds 32,000, this client will continue to display 32,000, but the iCOM
display will show the actual value.
Circuit Cooling Load
The amount of heat energy currently being removed by a single refrigeration
Clogged Air Filter - Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of the [Clogged Air Filter] event. If set to 'disabled',
the event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not be placed
in any active event list or in any event history list.
Clogged Air Filter - Event Type The event type for the [Clogged Air Filter] event.
Clogged Air Filter Air filter is dirty and needs to be (cleaned or) replaced.