Muratec MFX-2830 All in One Printer User Manual

COPY Chapter3
Advanced Copy Settings
Default settings list
Function Description Setting
Doc. type This sets the default setting for the resolution of the
document to be copied. Matching the settings to the
frequently copied documents can shorten the time
required to adjust settings.
Auto, Text & Photo, Photo, Background
Contrast This sets the default setting for the contrast of the
document to be copied. Matching the settings to the
frequently copied documents can shorten the time re-
quired to adjust settings.
Auto, Lightest, Lighter, Normal, Darker,
Sort Sort will be defaulted to “Sort”. No Sort, Sort
Margin Setting this to ON makes it possible to always have
a margin added even without setting a margin in ad-
vanced copy. In addition, the top, bottom, right, and
left margin widths can be set as default values.
Specifying the margin
Setting the margin width default
Left/right/top/bottom from 0.0
to 1.0
: 0.0"
Erase border Setting this to ON makes it possible to always per-
form erase border even without setting erase border
in advanced copy. In addition, the erase width default
value can be set.
Erase border
Setting the erase border width default
Top and bottom erase width 0.2
to 2.0
: 0.2"
Right and left erase width 0.2
to 2.0
Erase center Setting this to ON makes it possible to always per-
form erase center even without setting center border
in advanced copy. In addition, the center erase width
default value can be set.
Erase center specification
Setting the erase center width default
Center width 0.1
to 2.0
: 0.1"
*Underlined items are the factory default.