Getting Started
Loading Paper
Acceptable paper sizes
● Using the following paper is recommended to effectively utilize the performance of this product.
● Specified paper is paper recommended by Muratec.
● When printing on commonly available paper, refer to the following table and use paper that
meets the specifications.
■ Paper cassette
Paper size Paper weight Paper capacity
From Cassette 1 to Cassette 4
* Cassettes 1 and 2 are main unit
cassettes, Cassette 3 is 1-level pa-
per unit or the upper level of the
2-level paper unit, and Cassette
4 is the lower level of the 2-level
paper unit.
Letter, Letter , Legal, 11
, Half-letter, A3, B4, A4,
A4 , B5, B5 , F4, Execu-
tive, Executive
Plain paper, Recycled paper
: 56 to 90 g/m
Approx. 500 sheets
Large capacity cassette Letter Plain paper, Recycled paper
: 56 to 90 g/m
Approx. 2,500 sheets
■ Bypass tray
Paper size-Paper type Paper weight Paper capacity
Regular size paper
The following paper size can be automati-
cally detected:
Letter, Letter , Half-letter, Half-letter ,
Legal, 11
, F4, Executive, Executive ,
A4 , A3, B4
The following paper size can be set, but can-
not be automatically detected:
A4, B5, B5 , A5, A5 , A6, CM10, DL
Special paper
OHP film, Postcards, Labels, Envelopes
Custom paper
Paper vertical (length): 3.9 inches to 11.7
Paper horizontal (width): 5.5 inches to 17.0
Plain paper: 56 to 90 g/m
Paste board: 91 to 209 g/m
Recycled paper: 60 to 90 g/m
Plain paper, Recycled paper
: Approx. 150 sheets
Paste board: Approx. 50 sheets
OHP film: Approx. 50 sheets
Postcards: Approx. 50 sheets
Labels: Approx. 50 sheets
Envelops: Approx. 10 sheets