BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
Modbus/BACnet IP 312
Table 105 Liebert APS
- Glossary
Data Label Data Description
Accumulated Discharge Time
The highest accumulated battery discharge time among installed
battery modules.
Accumulated Discharge Time
Total accumulated discharge time for the Battery Module since it was
Auto Battery Test Interval The time between automatic battery tests.
Auto Restart Delay
If 'Auto Restart' is set to 'enabled' the UPS will not restart the load
after a battery discharge until this amount of time has elapsed since
the restoration of utility power.
Auto Restart Minimum Battery Setting
The percent state of charge that the batteries must have before the
unit is allowed to auto restart.
Auto Restart
When 'enabled', the UPS will automatically restart the load when
utility power is restored after a battery discharge.
Automatic Battery Test Enable/disable the automatic battery test schedule.
Battery Auto Test In Progress Automatic battery test is in progress
Battery Discharging The battery is discharging
Battery is Battery charge status.
Battery Manual Test In Progress Manual battery test is in progress
Battery Module Fault One or more battery modules are reporting a fault condition.
Battery Module Over Temperature The Battery Module has detected an over temperature condition.
Battery Module Temperature Sensor Fault A Battery Module temperature sensor fault has been detected.
Battery Module Temperature The battery temperature measured by the Battery Module.
Battery Module Warning One or more battery modules are reporting a warning condition.
Battery Over Temperature A battery temperature sensor is reporting a value above a threshold
Battery Percentage Charge The percentage of battery charge
Battery String Voltage
The voltage between the positive and negative battery terminals of a
battery string.
Battery Temperature Imbalance
Excessive temperature differences between battery sensors
Battery Temperature The highest battery temperature among all installed Battery Modules.
Battery Test Failed Battery test failed
Battery Test Passed Battery test passed
Battery Time Remaining The calculated available time on battery
Battery Volts for Cabinet
The voltage between the positive and negative battery terminals of a
battery cabinet
Bypass Auto Retransfer Failed
After performing a recoverable transfer to bypass, an attempt to auto
retransfer from bypass to inverter failed
Bypass Frequency Error The bypass frequency is outside the inverter synchronization limits
Bypass Input Frequency The bypass input frequency
Bypass Input Voltage RMS L1-L2 The bypass input RMS voltage between Lines 1 and 2
Bypass Input Voltage RMS L1-N The bypass input RMS voltage between Line 1 and Neutral
Bypass Input Voltage RMS L2-N The bypass input RMS voltage between Line 2 and Neutral
Bypass Not Available A problem associated with the bypass has been detected
Bypass Overload Bypass overloaded, reduce load immediately.
Bypass Qualification Status bypass qualification status
Charger Mode The Charger Module is operating in the stated charging mode.
Charger Module Fan Fault The Charger Module has detected a fan fault.
Check Air Filter Please check air filter, it may need to be cleaned or replaced.