Emerson MODBUS IP Power Supply User Manual

BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
Modbus/BACnet IP 358
Inverter Overload Phase C Inverter is operating with an overload on phase C
Inverter Overload Time Remaining The calculated time remaining before inverter shutdown
Inverter Shutdown - Overload The inverter has shutdown due to a sustained overload
Inverter Static Switch SCR Short
The system has detected a short across one or more inverter static switch Silicon
Controlled Rectifiers (SCR)
IP Inhibit The intelligent paralleling operation is inhibited.
LBS Active The Load Bus Sync option is active
LBS Inhibited
The system has detected that conditions to perform Load Bus Sync are not
Leading Power Factor The leading output Power Factor has fallen below a specified value
Loss of Redundancy
The multi-module collection doesn't have enough modules to redundantly support
the load
Main Battery Disconnect Forced To
The main battery disconnect is forced to the unlocked state.
Main Battery Disconnect Open Main battery disconnect is open
Main Battery Disconnect Switch Lock
The main battery disconnect switch lock status.
Main Controller Fault A Main Controller fault has been detected.
Maintenance Bypass Breaker Maintenance bypass breaker
Maintenance Isolation Breaker Maintenance isolation breaker
Maximum Auto Suspensions - ECO
This setting sets the maximum number of automatic ECO Mode suspensions in a
MMS Event Summary Summary of any active user alarm or fault of this module in a multi-module system
MMS Inter-Module Comm Status Inter-module communication status of this module in a multi-module system
MMS Module Alarm Active Active alarm or fault of any module in a multi-module system
MMS Module Inverter Status Multi-module inverter status of this module (on/off)
MMS Module Number MMS module number
MMS Module Output Source
Module output source in a multi-module system (normal/bypass/maintenance
MMS Module Output Voltage Status Output voltage status of this module in multi-module system
MMS On Battery The multi-module system is on battery
MMS Output Apparent Power The sum total apparent power of all system output modules
MMS Output Frequency The multi-module system output frequency
MMS Output Pct Apparent Pwr (kVA)
Phase A
The multi-module system output apparent power on phase A as a percentage of
the rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Apparent Pwr (kVA)
Phase B
The multi-module system output apparent power on phase B as a percentage of
the rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Apparent Pwr (kVA)
Phase C
The multi-module system output apparent power on phase C as a percentage of
the rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Power Phase A
The multi-module system output power on phase A as a percentage of the rated
MMS Output Pct Power Phase B
The multi-module system output power on phase B as a percentage of the rated
MMS Output Pct Power Phase C
The multi-module system output power on phase C as a percentage of the rated
MMS Output Power Factor Phase A The multi-module system output power factor for phase A
MMS Output Power Factor Phase B The multi-module system output power factor for phase B
MMS Output Power Factor Phase C The multi-module system output power factor for phase C
Table 113 Liebert NXL
- 50 Hz, CE version (Models 48 and 49)—Glossary
Data Label Data Description