Chapter 42 Command Examples
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
An example is shown next.
42.4.2 Isolation Enable Command
ras> switch isolation enable
This command turns on the subscriber isolation feature.
42.4.3 Isolation Disable Command
ras> switch isolation disable
This command turns off the subscriber isolation feature.
42.5 Statistics Monitor Command
ras> statistics monitor
This command shows the current hardware status (voltage and temperature).
An example is shown next.
42.6 Statistics Port Command
ras> statistics port <portlist> [<vpi> <vci>] [clear]
Figure 135 Isolation Show Example
ras> switch isolation show
system isolation: enabled
Figure 136 Statistics Monitor Command Example
ras> statistics monitor
Hardware monitor status: enabled
nominal limit(hi) limit(lo) current min max avg status
------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ----
v1(v) 1.200 1.344 1.056 1.152 1.139 1.152 1.148 Normal
v2(v) 1.800 1.944 1.656 1.820 1.820 1.820 1.820 Normal
v3(v) 3.300 3.564 3.036 3.200 3.200 3.200 3.200 Normal
v4(v) 18.000 19.440 16.560 18.175 18.175 18.175 18.175 Normal
limit(hi) limit(lo) current min max avg status
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
t1(c) 97.000 -55.000 43.000 40.000 52.000 43.000 Normal
t2(c) 97.000 -55.000 46.000 41.000 59.000 46.000 Normal
t3(c) 97.000 -55.000 47.000 42.000 58.000 47.000 Normal