Chapter 53 Virtual Channel Management Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
This command adds a PVC to handle 2684 routed mode traffic.
" You must use the rpvc gateway set command to configure the gateway’s
settings before you use the rpvc set command.
The following example adds a PVC for 2684 routed mode traffic. It is for DSL port 1, VPI 8,
VCI 35. It sets the DEFVAL profile for downstream traffic shaping and for upstream traffic
policing. The CPE device’s WAN IP address is with a netmask of 32 and the
gateway’s IP address is
53.7.6 RPVC Show Command
ras> adsl rpvc show <portlist>
This command lists the PVCs for handling 2684 routed mode traffic (RPVCs).
Assign a VC profile to use for policing this channel’s
upstream traffic. The IES-612-51A does not perform
upstream traffic policing if you do not specify an upstream
VC profile.
<ip> =
The subscriber’s CPE WAN IP address in dotted decimal
/<netmask> =
The bit number of the subnet mask of the subscriber’s IP
address. To find the bit number, convert the subnet mask to
binary and add all of the 1’s together. Take “”
for example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in binary. There are
three 255’s, so add three eights together and you get the bit
number (24).
Make sure that the routed PVC’s subnet does not include the
IES-612-51A’s IP address.
<gateway ip> =
The IP address of the gateway to which you want to send
the traffic that the system receives from this PVC. Enter the
IP address in dotted decimal notation.
Figure 274 RPVC Set Command Example
ras> adsl rpvc set 1 8 35 DEFVAL,DEFVAL
<portlist> =
The port(s) for which you want to display the RPVCs.
You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*> or
a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range of
ports <1,5,6~10>.