IES-612-51A User’s Guide
Alarm Commands
This chapter describes the alarm management commands.
43.1 Alarm Commands
Use these commands to view, customize and clear alarms. You can also set the device to report
alarms to an SNMP or syslog server that you specify.
43.2 General Alarm Command Parameters
The following table describes commonly used alarm command parameter notation.
43.3 Alarm Show Command
ras> alarm show [<severity>|all] [<alarm>|all] [<condition>|all] [detail]
This command displays the current alarms by severity, alarm category or alarm condition.
Table 91 General Alarm Command Parameters
<alarm> Specify a category of alarms.
eqpt represents equipment alarms.
dsl represents Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) alarms.
enet represents Ethernet alarms.
sys represents system alarms.
all specifies every alarm category.
<severity> Specify an alarm severity level (critical, major, minor, info or all). Critical alarms
are the most severe, major alarms are the second most severe, minor alarms
are the third most severe and info alarms are the least severe.
<condition> This is the text description for the condition under which the alarm applies. Use
the alarm tablelist to find alarm conditions.
[detail] =
Display in-depth alarm information.