Chapter 45 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
This command sets the priority of incoming frames with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag.
The following example sets a priority of three for frames (with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag)
that come in on DSL port 2.
45.4.4 VLAN Set Command
ras> switch vlan set <vid> <portlist>:<F<T|U>|X|N> [<portlist>:<F<T|U>|X>
This command adds or modifies an entry in the static VLAN table. Use the
switch vlan
command to display your configuration. An example of a configuration is shown next.
<portlist> =
You can specify a single port: <1>, all ports: <*>, a list of
ports: <1,3,enet1>, you can also include a range of ports:
<priority> =
This is the priority value (0 to 7) to use for incoming frames
with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag.
Figure 152 VLAN CPU Set Command Example
ras> switch vlan priority 2 3
<vid> =
The VLAN ID [1 – 4094].
<portlist> =
You can specify a single port: <1>, all ports: <*>, a list of
ports: <1,3,enet1>, you can also include a range of ports:
<F<T|U>| =
The <F> stands for a fixed registrar administration control
flag and registers a <port #> to the static VLAN table with
For a fixed port, you also have to specify <T|U>, the tag
control flag.
<T> has the device add an IEEE 802.1Q tag to frames going
out through this port(s).
<U> has the device send frames out through this port(s)
without an IEEE 802.1Q tag.
|X|N> =
This is the registrar administration control flag.
<X> stands for forbidden and blocks a <port #> from
joining the static VLAN table with <vid>.
<N> stands for normal and confirms registration of the
<port #> to the static VLAN table with <vid>. This is used
in GVRP applications.
[name] =
A name to identify the SVLAN entry.