Chapter 51 SNMP Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
Use this command to add the host IP address to the list of trusted hosts. If you enter a trusted
host, your IES-612-51A will only respond to SNMP messages from this address. If you leave
the trusted host set to (default), the IES-612-51A will respond to all SNMP messages it
receives, regardless of source.
51.1.4 Trap Community Command
ras> sys snmp trapcommunity <community>
Enter this command with the community to set the password.
51.1.5 Trap Destination Set Command
ras> sys snmp trapdst set <index> <ip> [<port>]
Use this command specify the IP address (and port number) of a trap server to which the IES-
612-51A sends SNMP traps. If you leave the trap destination set to (default), the IES-
612-51A will not send any SNMP traps.
51.1.6 Show SNMP Settings Command
ras> sys snmp show
This command displays the current SNMP get community, set community, trap community,
trusted hosts and trap destination settings.
<ip> =
The IP address of a trusted host.
<community> =
The password sent with each trap to the SNMP manager.
<index> =
The number of the trap server (1~4).
<ip> =
The IP address of the trap server.
[<port>] =
The port number upon which the trap server listens for
SNMP traps. The IES-612-51A uses the default of 162 if
you do not specify a trap port.