Chapter 2 Avaya P330-ML Layer 2 CLI Commands
114 Avaya P330-ML Reference Guide
The syntax for this command is:
set security violaton action {restrict|restrict-and-notify}
set snmp community
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the set snmp community command to set or modify the switch’s SNMP
community strings.
The syntax for this command is:
set snmp community <read-only | read-write | trap> [community
set snmp retries
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the set snmp retries command to set the number of retries initiated by the
P330-ML Manager when it tries to send SNMP messages to the switch.
The syntax for this command is:
set snmp retries <number>
restrict Keyword specifying that the port drops all packets from
insecure hosts but remains enabled.
Keyword specifying that the port drops all packets and sends
an SNMP trap.
P330-1(super)# set security violation action restrict
Switch security violation action restrict
P330-N# set snmp community read-only read
SNMP read-only community string set
number Number of retries