Chapter 2 Avaya P330-ML Layer 2 CLI Commands
48 Avaya P330-ML Reference Guide
no snmp-server community
User level: supervisor
Use the no snmp-server community command to deny access to the device
using community strings.
The syntax for this command is:
no snmp-server community
no snmp-server group
User level: supervisor
Use the no snmp-server group command to remove a specified SNMP group.
When a security module is not provided, all instances of the group are removed. If a
security model and level are specified, then only corresponding group instance is
The syntax for this command is:
no snmp-server group <groupname> {v1 | v2c | v3 {noauth | auth
| priv}}
P330-N# no snmp-server community
groupname The name of the SNMP group.
v1, v2c, v3 The security model to remove from the group.
auth, priv
Keywords that specifies the type of authentication model
instance to remove from the group.
• noauth
• auth
• priv
P330-1(super)# no snmp-server group newgroupG v3 noauth