Chapter 3 Avaya P330-ML Layer 3 CLI Commands
290 Avaya P330-ML Reference Guide
ip vrrp priority
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the ip vrrp priority command to set the virtual router priority value
used when selecting a master router.
Use the no ip vrrp priority command to restore the default value.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] ip vrrp <vr-id> priority <pri-value>
To set the priority value for virtual router 1 to ten:
To set the virtual router simple password for virtual router 1 to abcd:
ip vrrp timer
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the ip vrrp timer command to set the virtual router advertisement timer
value (in seconds) for the virtual router ID.
Use no ip vrrp timer command to restore the default value.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] ip vrrp <vr-id> timer <value>
To set the virtual router advertisement timer value for virtual router 3 to 2:
vr-id Virtual Router ID (1-255)
pri-value The priority value. The range is 1-254.
Router-N(configure-if:marketing) # ip vrrp 1 priority 10
Router-N(configure-if:marketing) # ip vrrp 1 auth-key abcd
vr-id Virtual Router ID (1-255)
value The advertisement transmit time (seconds).
Router-N(configure-if:marketing) # ip vrrp 3 timer 2