Avaya P330-ML-ML Switch User Manual

Chapter 2 Avaya P330-ML Layer 2 CLI Commands
194 Avaya P330-ML Reference Guide
show time parameters
User level: user, privileged, supervisor
Use the show time parameters command to display the time status and
The syntax for this command is:
show time parameters
show timeout
User level: user, privileged, supervisor
Use the show timeout command to display the amount of time the CLI can
remain idle before timing out in minutes. If the result is 0, there is no timeout limit.
The default is 15 minutes.
The syntax for this command is:
show timeout
show timezone
User level: user, privileged, supervisor
Use the show timezone command to display the current P330-ML time zone.
P330-N>show time
10:32:34 27 JAN 2000 GMT
P330-N>show time parameters
Client status: Enabled
Current time : L:00:57:19 01 JAN 1970 GMT
Timezone set to 'GMT', offset from UTC is 0 hours
Time-Server : (I.e. broadcast address)
Time acquired from Time-Server:
Time protocol set to : TIME protcol
P330-N>show timeout
CLI timeout is 10 minutes